SONG: When You Give It Away Slid out of my dreams like a baby out of the nurse's hands onto the hard floor of day I'd been wearing OJ's gloves and I couldn't get them off It was too early but I couldn't sleep showered, dressed, stepped out into the heat the parrot things on the porch next door announced my arrival on Chartres Street with their finest rendition of squealing brakes Down in Kaldi's café the newspaper headlines promised new revelations about Prince Charles' Amex account A morose youth in old-time Austrian drag stares past his moustache at the ground and last night's punks and fetish kids all tattoos and metal bits and in the other corner (wearing the white trunks) today's tourists already sweating Deep in the city of the saints and fools Pearls before pigs and dung become jewels I sit down with tigers and sit down with lambs None of them know who exactly I am I've got this thing in my heart I must give it today It only lives when you give it away Languid mandala of the ceiling fan teases the air like a slow stroking hand Study the faces, study the cards Study the shadow creeping over the yard I've got this thing in my heart I must give it today It only lives when you give it away Trouble with nations, trouble with relations Where you gonna go for some illumination? Too much to carry too much to let go Time goes fast learning goes slow I've got this thing in my heart I must give it today It only lives when you give it away SONG: Mango She's got a mango in her garden sweet as can be she's got a mango in her garden full of mystery she's got a mango in her garden an original tree she's got a mango in her garden shares it with me Humid gleaming precious well love to drink that water parallel worlds when the sun goes down the atmosphere grows hotter She's got a mango in her garden sweet as can be she's got a mango in her garden full of mystery she's got a mango in her garden an original tree she's got a mango in her garden shares it with me I slip through the glistening gate tide began to pound tears of life poured over me and ricocheted all around She's got a mango in her garden sweet as can be she's got a mango in her garden full of mystery she's got a mango in her garden an original tree she's got a mango in her garden shares it with me SONG: The Last Night Of The World I'm sipping flor de caña and lime juice, it's three a.m. Blow a fruit fly off the rim of my glass The radio's playing Superchunk and the friends of Dean Martinez Midnight it was bike tires whacking the potholes Milling humans, shivering energy glow Fusing the spaces between them with bar-throb bass and laughter Chorus: If this were the last night of the world What would I do What would I do that was different Unless it was champagne with you I learned as a child not to trust in my body I've carried that burden through my life But there's a day when we all have to be pried loose Chorus I've seen the flame of hope among the hopeless And that was truly the biggest heartbreak of all That was the straw that broke me open Chorus SONG: Isn't That What Friends Are For? Heavy northern autumn sky mist on forest dark spruce, bright maple and the great lake rolling forever to the narrow gray beach I look west along the red road of the frail sun to where it hovers between shelf of cloud and spiky trees, receding shore The world is full of seasons of anguish, of laughter and it comes to mind to write you this Nothing is sure nothing is pure and no matter who we think we are everyone gets his chance to be nothing Love's supposed to heal but it breaks my heart to feel the pain in your voice but you know it's all going somewhere and I would crush my heart and throw it in the street if I could pay for your choice Isn't that what friends are for? Isn't that what friends are for? We're the insect life of paradise crawl across leaf or among towering blades of grass glimpse only sometimes the amazing breadth of heaven You're as loved as you were before the strangeness swept through our bodies, our houses, our streets when we could speak without codes and light swirled around like wind-blown petals at our feet I've been scraping little shavings off my ration of light and I've formed it into a ball and each time I pack a bit more onto it and I make a bowl of my hands and I scoop it from its secret cache under a loose board in the floor and I blow across it and I send it to you against those moments when the darkness blows under your door Isn't that what friends are for? Isn't that what friends are for? Isn't that what friends are for? SONG: Down to the Delta (Instrumental) SONG: The Embers Of Eden You knelt on the carpet Crimson and stained Light trickled over your black dress like rain Your lips were hot My shocked heart screamed And I can't scrape my eyes free of this dream We each occupied the same space/time Matter Antimatter Tangled like vines And the awful tolling And the cold rain outside And I cannot scrape this dream off my eyes The embers of Eden burn You can even see it from space The great and winding wall between us Seem to copy the lines of your face Instrumental break The embers of Eden burn You can even see it from space The great and winding wall between us Seem to copy the lines of your face SONG: Blueberry Hill I found my thrill on Blueberry Hill on Blueberry Hill when I found you. The moon stood still on Blueberry Hill and lingered until my dreams came true. The wind in the willow played love’s sweet melody; but all of those vows we made were never to be Tho’ we’re apart, you’re part of me still for you were my thrill on Blueberry Hill Music and lyrics by Al Lewis / Larry Stock / Vincent Rose SONG: Let The Bad Air Out Judge said to the hooker, "Can you come out to play? I've been condemning people all day long, that's how I get paid My dreams are full of criminals frolicking about Open up the window, let the bad air out Open up the window, let the bad air out Strangled by confusion, my mind is in decay Can't picture tomorrow, can't remember yesterday Send out for the Black and Decker and the psychiatric couch Open up the window, let the bad air out Open up the window, let the bad air out Traitors in high places take my money, tell me lies Take a walk past Parliament, smells like something died They ask for trust, but somehow I've got serious doubts Open up the window, let the bad air out Open up the window, let the bad air out Too much monkey business, like Mr. Berry said Drugs and oil and money, there'll be nothing when you're dead At the risk of being subversive, nothing left to do but shout Open up the window, let the bad air out Open up the window, let the bad air out Open up the window, let the bad air out Open up the window, let the bad air out Open up the window (let the bad air out) Open up the window (let the bad air out) Open up the window (let the bad air out) Open up the window (let the bad air out) SONG: Look How Far On this rooftop where we're sitting in the rays of the setting sun Glasses of wine on a crate between us Catch the light, seem to glow from within And there's a laugh hanging in the air And there's no desperation anywhere So many miles, so many doors Some need patience, Some need force All fall open in their own due course To allow us this time And your limned in light, golden and thin Looks to me like you're lit up from within And look how far the light came Look how far the light came Look how far the light came To paint you this way And I picture us in this light Friendship a fine silver web Stretched across golden smoky haze And this is simple And this is grace And this light is a guest from far away Passing through the last whisper of day And look how far the light came Look how far the light came Look how far the light came To paint you this way SONG: Deep Lake (Instrumental) SONG: Use Me While You Can There's a black and white crow on the back of a two toned sheep in a field of broken yellow stalks below looming cliffs high above the plain little grey houses blend with giant jagged boulders and pale weathered stumps life in the ghost of the bush wind whips the acacias and strange forked palms that cluster around the water hole suddenly, out of the blowing sand a milk-white camel appears turbaned rider, blue robe billowing, bounces with the shambling trot wears a sword and a rifle on his back and hanging from his neck a transistor radio you blink and like ghosts, they're gone under the wan disk of sand-masked sun, a woman grins; spits expertly into the path of a struggling black beetle six feet away hoists her water bucket onto her head and strides off up the trail Sun a steel ball glowing behind endless blowing sand Sun a steel ball glowing dust of fallen empires slowly flowing through my hands Use me while you can Pearl held in black fingers is the moon behind dry trees Pearl held in black fingers Bird inside the rib cage is beating to be free Use me while you can I've had breakfast in New Orleans, dinner in Timbuktu I've lived as a stranger in my own house too Dark hand waves in lamplight Cowrie shell patterns change And nothing will be the same again Bullet in a sand storm Looking for a place to land Bullet in a sand storm Full heart beats an empty one In the deck they dealt to man Use me while you can Use me while you can